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This is Zahid hossain. I am a student of BBA 3rd year. My mejor subject is Accounting. My age is 21. I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters.I am a person who is positive about every aspect. I help my parents in their works. I help the older and take part some other social activities.

I am from chandpur. It is known as city of hilsha. It is the part of the Chittagong division. Chandpur district is divided into 8 sub district.

There are many things I like to do. I like to read, I like to write, I like to think and I also like to travel in different places. I like to see sunrise in the morning. I like to moonlight at night. And i also like to surrounded by people.

I'm a talented writer both in terms of academic writing and creative writing. I am good at doing maths. I also a great cook.

I have some good friends in my life and it is  my biggest achievement. I was a BNCC cadet and my rank was sergeant. they gave me  some military training.

I wanna be a youtuber. It's my dream and it's my aim in life. I want to be a next Salman muqtadir. And I want to be a programmer.

I choose digital marketing because digital marketing is grow up every day. Digital marketing careers can offer a flexible work environment. Digital marketing is a career field that did not exist ten years ago but is becoming a vital part of the marketing industry. Gain the skills to be successful in this Dynamic career.

I have involved some social organisation like (be related to audiovisual education) brave, and some other social organisation.


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"একটি লাল বাচ্চাজুতো" | "কাজী নাঈম"

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Nowadays entrepreneur is everyone lips. These days some people choose self employment. If you are love to writing then why don't you become a writing entrepreneur. Think about what do you love, being your own boss and you have to do something for yourself and your lovers. Is it writing your passion? That start writing. Some writing tips are given below : 1. You must start now :  If you become a professional writer than you must start now - not Tomorrow, Monday, next month. If you delay than you never start writing. so, If you become a professional writer than you start writing with a suitable topic. 2. Select your writing schedule : You wanted to be a full time writer and you have another job. So you must be create your writing schedule and stick to it. If you leave writing end of the day because you are tired. You must remember, Now writing your job not it's your hobby. You must concentration to your writing. Then you become a professional writer. 3.

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