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My mother

The sweetest word of the world is mother. My mother is the most important person in my life. Her name is Jahanara. The person whom I love very much is my mother. She is about forty-six years old. She is an ideal housewife. She is a very good singer. She like to sing every classical song. And she love to sing Robindra songeet. She is very calm person by her nature.

Her contributions of our family is outstanding. She is very much creative. Her every creation is awesome. I can express my feelings and share whatever I have in my mind.

She is the one person who spends her sleepless nights during my sickness and other bad times she always with me. Only one person who knows my likes and dislikes she is my mother. She takes great care of our education. She is my best teacher and guide. She directs me to follow the right path.

She wants me well-educated and established in life. She likes to keep good relation with her neighbors.

My mother had taught me to never give up. My mother taught me what is right and what is wrong. She was like my teacher and a mother. She taught me what I should or should not do. She always keeps me in line and control me, so I don't get too much freedom.

My mother influenced me a lot. She taught me to never give up. And keep me in line.
Only her contribution now I'm here. Every time she support me and influenced me. Only her support I improved myself.

A mother is only one in everyone's life whom another can never replace her in our heart. I am proud of having such an ideal mother.


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