1. Digital Marketing : Digital marketing is the promotion of the products using various digital media. When digital marketing occurred using various digital media then it is called digital marketing. Digital marketing was first used in 1990. Digital marketing techniques such as search
2.keywords : Every word of search engine is called keywords. Searcher use keywords for finding his/her information.
3. Social Media Marketing (SMM) : The short form of social media marketing is SMM. When marketer use social media for this marketing then it is called social media marketing. It uses of social media platform and website to promote your products.
4. E-mail marketing : When commercial message sends by using electronics mail then it is called E-mail marketing. E-mail marketing is an effective way to not only reach your target markets but also to stay connected with your consumers.
6. SEO : SEO ensuring that the number of visitors to a particular website appears high on the list of result.
7. HTML : HTML is the standard markup language for creating web page. The full form of HTML is Hyper text markup language. You can create your own website with HTML.
8. SSL : The full form of SSL is Secure Sockets layer. It is a standard security technology for a website and a browser.
9. URL : The full form of URL is Uniform Resource Locator. It is the global address of documents and other resources on the world wide web.
10. Guest blogging : When Blogger writes post to another Blogger blogs then it is called guest blogging.
11. Domain / Sub domain : Facebook.com it's a full domain and weebly.com it's a sub domain.
Thank you for guide . This is very helpful article.